CBD Cat Treats Benefits

Cats and their owners have a long history together. The pets have always been part of the family, keeping the house in order, chasing bugs away from the windows, and generally providing companionship.
However, it can be painful for the pet parents to see that their furry friends suffer from joint pains, anxiety, and more. They might find painkillers to be effective, but this has a lot of side effects. Instead of using drugs to combat pain, there is an alternative to this traditional method: using cannabidiol-based products.
What to Know about CBD?
There are many benefits to giving CBD cat snacks to your pet. They have a calming effect on cats and help reduce anxiety, chronic pain, and inflammation. There are also benefits for your pet’s overall health and wellness.
This is a compound extracted from the hemp plants, which provides therapeutic effects. With the organic treats, you’ll be able to get soft chews that your feline can enjoy anytime. When infused with cannabidiol hemp extracts, they can significantly reduce your pet’s anxiety, which can be pretty helpful during thunderstorms and fireworks.
CBD is a compound that has been proven to have healing and pain-relieving properties. This extract comes from the cannabis plant and can be found in different forms used for medicinal purposes, including oils, serums, tinctures, and creams.
Many people use cannabidiol for their pets because it has anti-inflammatory properties that help with arthritis and other health concerns. Researchers have found out that CBD helps regulate endocannabinoids, which are chemical messengers in the body’s cells that help control hunger, moods, body temperature, reproduction, sleep, and more.
CBD Is Different from THC
Many owners may confuse this compound with the THC in marijuana, but cannabidiol is different. The two extracts have distinctive properties that make them different from one another. When it comes to CBD snacks, most manufacturers are very careful that the resulting product has less than 0.3% THC to prevent side effects in animals.
On the other hand, marijuana has about 30% THC, and it comes from a different strain of Cannabis sativa. See more about cannabis Sativa on this page here. Research the products you see on the market and consult with your feline’s veterinarian if you’re in doubt. When combined with snacks, these oil extracts are generally safe for animals. Discuss your options with the vet and mention that you’re using CBD-based snacks.
Effects on your Cat’s Health
Increase in Appetite
If the felines don’t eat, expect them to become weaker daily. A lack of nutrition may cause their medical issues to become worse, and one way you can help them get their appetite back is by offering them delicious chewable that were infused with cannabidiol.
Since this compound generally interacts with the endocannabinoid system, this will naturally help restore your furry friend’s love for food. It can communicate with the ECS to prevent vomiting and nausea. You can learn more about ECS. When your pet cat starts eating, you can expect them to recover from their injuries faster, and they can remain healthy for years to come.
Help Stop Infections
Your pet may experience infections at some point in their lives, especially if it has an open wound. Some may begin scratching the area due to inflammation and itching. When the injury isn’t properly cleaned, a minor infection may worsen, and it can progress in just days. You should avoid this at all costs, and you can try cannabidiol to counter this.
Giving CBD-based remedies will lessen the infection and stop the swelling in the injured part of the body. Of course, the injuries need to be addressed by a vet first before you administer any supplement to your pet cat.
Reduce Joint Pains
No owner would want to see their furry friends suffering from pain and getting hurt. However, joint pain is pretty common, especially if your cat gets old. To lessen the pain on their legs, you can help them by giving them an organic and premium cannabidiol-based supplement. This is known to be effective in countering back and joint pain in pets. Before you know it, they will be walking and playing once again outside of your home.
Might Aid Against Growth of Tumor Cells
Although more in-depth studies are still needed for this, there might be evidence that CBD can help prevent the growth of tumors and cancer cells. Studies are underway about this, and in a couple of them, it’s found out that the organic hemp product has an effect in shrinking tumors.
However, as mentioned, these are all preliminary studies, and you should not put all your hopes on CBD alone. It’s still important to consult with the vet and continue the treatments that your cat may be currently undergoing. Also, make sure that the supplements don’t interact with the medications they are taking, so you should start with the smallest dosage possible and take it from there.
Wrapping It All Up
CBD can benefit your pet somehow, but make sure that you only get cat-friendly products. Although some believe it may have medicinal qualities, there is currently no scientific evidence to say that CBD could be used to treat any real diseases or ailments. Research first before administering anything to your furry friend, and always consult a veterinarian when it comes to medical issues.