Graduation Wishes for Niece (Best Inspirational Birthday Wishes For A Niece)
Graduation Wishes for Niece
Seeing u graduate is much like watching my own daughter succeed.
I’m proud to call myself your aunt, and I believe in everything you do.
Make me proud as you get started with your thriving career.
I’ve been there for your high school graduation, and now you’ve completed college.
Your uncle and I have always thought of you as one of our own daughters.
I could not be more excited to see what you become in the future.
You know that I have supported you in every way throughout your years of school.
I’ve always believed that you were destined to become something amazing.
I wish you the best as you start a real career in this tough world.
If you ever need help or a friendly voice, you can always call on your aunt.
Believe it or not, you’re the first woman in the family to graduate college.
My favorite niece has turned into a true career girl.
Ever since you were a little baby, you had a strong determination about you.
I’m happy for all of your accomplishments and you deserve a lot of success.
I was one of the first people to see you the day you were born.
I promised you that day that I’d be there to help you follow your dreams.
When your dream was to go to college, I knew I had set a good example.
As an aunt, you dream for your niece to push herself to do something great.
Best wishes in taking the next step in starting your career.

My beautiful niece has proven to the world that she is smart too.
There are few people in this world that have that delicate balance of both.
As your uncle, I feel that I am partially responsible for your achievement.
I wish a lot of wealth and happiness throughout your future.
Time has flown by since you first started kindergarten.
It has been an honor to see my beloved niece excel in school.
Congratulations on your graduation and the start of a bright future.
You’ve got big dreams, and I know you can change the world.
Graduating high school is a huge deal to our family.
We do not turn our heads at any accomplishment, especially when it comes to the future.
You’re a dedicated student, and I believe that you will excel in college.
Best of luck in any field that you choose to pursue through education.
A few short years ago, your father was stressing about you becoming a teenager.
Today you are graduating high school as an official grown woman.
No matter what happens, I know that you put your whole heart into the end result.
Believe in yourself the way that your uncle does, and you will come out on top.
Never sell yourself short when it comes to how smart you really are.
There have been struggles along the way, but you graduated among the top of your class.
You’re my favorite niece because you are tough and determined much like I am.
Good luck starting college, and you know that I always have your back.
Graduation Congratulations Messages For Niece
My niece is very special and happens to mean the whole world to me.
Seeing you push yourself to graduate was a privilege to those who love you.
We all believe in your intelligence, talent, and ability to adapt to anything.
Whether you start a working or go to college, I could not be prouder of you.
I know that moving on from high school can be bittersweet for you.
Things change, but it does not means that things will not get better.
You have a handful of options and your entire future ahead of you.
You bless my life by helping me hold my head high as a proud uncle.
I do not know how to properly explain how much your aunt and I love you.
In a few short years, you matured from a child into a lovely young woman.
Graduating high school is the starting point to discovering your future.
Don’t look back with regrets because you make us proud each day.
Today you have made your uncle/close relative glad, my dear niece. I am so glad about your achievements and I know there is just more to come.
My dearest niece, I am so upbeat to watch you accomplish your objectives. Congrats on your adventure to progress. I generally needed to consider you to be a graduate! Appreciate this meriting minute in your profession and life.
Inspirational birthday wishes for a niece
There’s no preferable inclination overviewing my niece experience her fantasies. Congrats dear!
From my most loved child niece to a savvy and splendid graduate, I am so pleased with the lady you’ve moved toward becoming. Congrats on achieving another development.
Congrats to my most loved researcher! Your folks and I are past pleased with your diligent work and the vast majority of all, the lady you’ve progressed toward becoming.
To my dearest niece, always remember how hard you attempted to arrive and how much more remote you’ll go. Congrats on your graduation day!
Congrats to my sweetheart niece! I’ve generally had confidence in you and I’m sure you can do anything you put your brain too. Wishing you a future brimming with the achievement of satisfaction.
Niece Graduation Wishes
Having a niece like you is extremely valuable. I am so fortunate to have seen your development throughout the years. I need you to appreciate all that life has to propose for your comings.
What a brilliant young woman you have moved toward becoming! Calling you a graduate is a glad event and I realize that your future is brightest of all. Congrats on this unique time in your life.
This isn’t only an accomplishment, this is your graduation! We are so glad for you! See you at your Thanksgiving party! Your folks should truly be glad for you since we are! Congrats from your aunties and uncles here in Jersey!
Feeling soothed on the grounds that you graduated from school? In a couple of more months, you will wish that you are as yet an understudy once more. Joking! This present reality is cruel however you are one intense child, you can survive. Congrats on opening another part in your life!
Your cousins venerate you so much, we are for the most part pleased with you. This is a major venturing stone to your future achievement. Congrats! I wager your mother and father is tearing up in light of the fact that you are moving out seriously. In any case, in any case, I am so happy you graduated. You merit it, you are a determined kid.

You are nearer to the satisfaction you had always wanted, great job! You buckled down and now you are acquiring what you contributed. You are a keen child, you will do incredible things later on. I have confidence in you. Congrats!
Congrats! We knew you would make it. I am wishing you away loaded with circumstances and exercises that will improve you turn into a national and a superior individual.
The time has come to commend the organic products you gathered from quite a while of serious examining! You merit this achievement, and I am almost certain that the Lord has more open doors in store for you. Keep doing awesome. Congrats!
I am almost certain that your folks will arrange you an extremely costly gathering since they are so pleased with you. You merit every one of these endowments you are accepting on the grounds that you are a kind-hearted kid. Be set up for this present reality, it won’t be simple. Be that as it may, you will make it, I know. Congrats, kid!
Before long, your folks will have a certificate to edge and hold tight your dividers. I am certain that they will likewise edge and hang your graduation picture. You are honored with exceptionally steady guardians and they are honored to have an extremely dependable kid. Congrats on your accomplishment! Continue advancing and remain humble.
Graduation Card Messages for Niece
Congrats on your graduation and welcome to the grown-up world. It won’t be simple since you won’t have your mother clean your wreckage, sew your somewhat conditioned garments, do your clothing, and cook you supper. It will be extreme since you should go to bat for yourself yet with every one of the exercises you will pick up, it is all justified, despite all the trouble.
Wanting you to enjoy all that life has to offer on the new part of your life. We know you will be effective sometime in the not so distant future, and it begins today. Keep pursuing your fantasies and beating your apprehensions. We are imploring that the Lord will favor you with enough intelligence and learning. Congrats!
You have been doing right by us since the day you were conceived. You battled your fight in your hatchery dauntlessly, confronted your apprehensions through center school, and graduated school with distinction. Nobody would ever be prouder than us, child. You are the boldest, most decided individual I have ever known, and I am extremely pleased that you are my child and I am your father.
We are so appreciative to have been honored with a little girl like you. You never neglect to do right by us. This is only one of your numerous accomplishments to come. We are amazingly pleased with you! Congrats!
At the point when the Lord gave us you, I said to myself, “you are the most valuable blessing I at any point got, I am mollified with my life”. Be that as it may, you amazed constantly us with all that you do. You achieved constantly things. I am pleased with all that you do. I adore you. Congrats on your graduation!
We are only the proudest guardians in the entire world! Congrats on this new turning point! Before long, you will reveal to us that you are getting hitched. And afterward, months or years after the fact, you will disclose to us you are having an infant. Time flies so quick and you are quickly developing old. In any case, it doesn’t make a difference since you are my infant regardless. I am so pleased with what you have accomplished. I adore you, congrats!
Since your first day at school, we knew you would make it right up ’til today. You are one autonomous, restrained, and lively child. You figured out how to have companions while concentrating on your examinations. We didn’t need to set up rules since you have earned our trust, and you know your confinements. We are honored to have you like our girl. Congrats on this achievement! Your father and I adore you to such an extent!
I don’t know how we could deliver a magnificent child like you. Joking. You were from the best guardians, obviously, you will be wonderful. Well done! We are so glad for you.
You are one bit nearer to your fantasies! Continue pursuing them and we will dependably be directly behind you, you generally have our help. We cherish you, and we are thrilled by this accomplishment of yours. This is our accomplishment, as well. You are our accomplishment.
We have perceived the amount you have endeavored to accomplish this certificate. We are so honored to have a little girl as dependable as you. We just supplicated that you move on from school yet the Lord favored us with distinction, as well. We are so glad for you, sweetheart. Congrats!
Happy Graduation Messages
We were as one through this battle, and together, we will commend this accomplishment! Congrats to every one of us!
You are one of those individuals who have mammoth brains yet at the same time have sufficient energy to associate with others. I respect your school-life adjust, and you genuinely should graduate with distinction. It was a delight meeting somebody as capable as you. You enlivened me to be better. Congrats on our graduation!
I let you know, multi-day, we will all think back on those restless evenings, those minutes we relatively lost expectation, those minutes we figured we would not make it, and those heartbreaks we have experienced amid our school years. You thought back, isn’t that right? Is it true that it isn’t all justified, despite all the trouble? Indeed, it’s justified, despite all the trouble. Congrats to you! We have influenced it this far, how about we to continue moving.
I should state, you astonished the entire group! Take a gander at you, all suited up for your graduation. You generally instructed us to simply appreciate life and avoid considering it important. I believe it’s silly not to consider life important but rather, I figure, it worked for you. You did right by us, you propelled every one of us! Glad graduation day to you!
Cheers to this immense point of reference! How about we party hard, for you are not anymore an understudy yet formally jobless! Here’s to more long periods of kinship notwithstanding when we take distinctive vocation ways later on! Congrats to every one of us!

This is the minute we have all been sitting tight for! This is the last minute we will enter the grounds as understudies. This is the minute when we could genuinely discard our course readings. We have survived those loathsome years and we are as yet alive and prepared to battle! We are the overcome ones and I trust that the universe will unfurl accomplishment to recent graduates like us who endeavor hard. See you on the business, and congrats to you!
The time has come to leave the school, discover work, and pay our obligations! Congrats to every one of the graduates with understudy credits!
When I initially ventured into the lobbies of the college, I had no clue I will have a great time. My brain was centered around getting straight A’s. I managed to get straight and I discovered companions who regard me as a family. This trip has encouraged me a considerable measure, yet you folks are the best trinkets! Congrats to us, we made it to the end!
We have vanquished the universe of reading material and last, most decisive tests! We are presently entering adulthood, and we are equipped with a great deal of learning and certainty.
Give us a chance to grasp this change with open arms, and let ourselves develop. Congrats to every one of us, we merit this especially my dear niece.
Congratulations Graduation Messages
Opportunity! At last, we are free or then again not. We might be free from addresses, exams, and course books, however, we will enter the business imprison. It is the place individuals is compelled to work from 9 am to 5 pm, eat, rest, and rehash the procedure. It is safe to say that you are prepared for the huge change? You ought to be. There’s no turning back! Anyway, congrats!
How about we have our one final “school” party! How about we commend our accomplishments since we genuinely buckled down for this. How about we get alcoholic for one final time as school seniors, since tomorrow, we will never again be understudies, however, this current school’s graduated class. Wishing you good fortunes on your picked profession ways!
I need to trust that the hardest part is finished yet as of late, everybody is instructing me to be set up for another fight. What is this disastrous situation? Joking! Congrats to every one of us graduates who have figured out how to remain normal all through our four long periods of remain in the college. I am trusting that everybody will have the capacity to discover work on your picked profession. I want you all to enjoy all that life has to offer, and I wish we will keep in contact. Much obliged for all the awesome recollections!
Pursue your fantasies. Burst out at the creases. Try constantly. Learn constantly. Live without bounds and put forth a strong effort.
You can accomplish whatever you need throughout everyday life. You should simply trust that you can. We put stock in you, cheerful graduation day.
Congrats on graduating… Wishing that brighter open doors come to your direction and you make progress in every one of them!
Congrats, my dearest on being a graduate. Concerning your future is concerned, we’re certain you will make it a fruitful one with your insight.
I trust your fantasies take you to the edges of your grins, to the most noteworthy of your expectations, to the windows of your chances, and to the most unique places your heart has ever known.
You are splendid, capable and aggressive. You will dependably walk the wonderful street. Glad Graduation.
I favor you with all that you have to acquire numerous more accomplishments and accomplishments in life ahead. Congrats and well done.
Wishes For Nieces
A healthy compliment on your graduation and wishing you good fortunes for the fresh start throughout everyday life. May you achieve every one of your objectives.
Your future is splendid. For every one of the seasons recently night contemplates, the absence of rest and forfeit of pleasure your reward is here. Congrats to you.
Congrats on your extraordinary accomplishment! Thinking back, it was all justified, despite all the trouble. Wishing you the best in the awesome vocation you have picked.
The adventure of life brings the two difficulties and possibilities. May you convey your soul to grab the odds and beat the difficulties. Congrats on your graduation. May you carry on with a pleased life.
There is a great deal of experience to be had that anticipates an ongoing secondary school graduate. Between saying farewell to main residence companions and pressing up for the school quarters, your graduate could without a doubt utilize a healthy congratulations (and possibly a couple of savvy words.)

Find some motivation with a portion of our most loved approaches to state only that my dear niece.
Graduation isn’t the finish of an extreme voyage. It is the start of a lovely one…
Your splendid accomplishment today is noteworthy. May everything you could ever hope for working out as expected. Good fortunes and congrats.
Begin every day trusting in your fantasies. Know point of fact that you were made for extraordinary things.
Graduation is an energizing time. It marks both a completion and a starting; it’s warm recollections of the past and enormous dreams for what’s to come.
Niece Graduation Messages
You have brains in your mind. You have feet in your shoes. You can control yourself toward any path you pick. You’re without anyone else.
What’s more, you realize what you know. You are the person who’ll choose where to go. Congrats graduate.
Isn’t it interesting how step by step it appears like nothing changes, however when you think back everything is extraordinary…
Make the vast majority of now, congrats graduate.
We are proud to the point that you are a graduate at this point. Congrats dear.
Before you act, tune in. Before you respond, think. Before you spend, procure. Before you reprimand, pause. Before you ask, pardon. Before you quit, attempt.
We adulate you for your endeavors, and send great wishes as well, for a future loaded with joy and your fondest dreams work out as expected.
My desire for you is that this life turns into all that you need it to. Your fantasies remain huge, your stresses remain little and that you never need to convey more than you can hold. There is a considerable measure that anticipates you, well-done graduate.
With regards to graduation cards, we realize that it can be difficult to choose just a single (between the apparently millions) that suits the visitor of respect perfectly. Regardless of whether the card is amusing, true, or a genuine tragedy, we have the all the best that will include the most customized touch.
Utilize these as motivation and an expansion to your dazzling card when composing your amusing/earnest/genuine message for the enormous day.
Best Graduation Wishes Quotes Messages
Congrats on graduating! This is only the starting; you are a star really taking shape. Sparkle on.
You are an achiever. You have influenced you glad; keep to up the great work. Congrats on graduation.
It must be an extremely glad minute for you. The greater part of the diligent work you have put in has paid off. Congrats Grad. Your reward lies ahead. Have an effective future.
As you love the products of your diligent work, I wish that achievement continues tailing you in everything that you do. Today and dependable… Congratulations and Happy Graduation.
I trust you can fly! The sky is your breaking point. Spread out your wings and take off high. Congrats and all the best.

Graduation wishes for parcels and heaps of fun and everything necessary to fill your heart with joy an exceptionally cheerful one! Congrats, Graduate!
Congrats graduate on this groundbreaking day. You’ve endeavored to accomplish your objectives and now you’re en route to look for new vistas, dream new dreams, leave on your identity, grasp existence with energy and continue going after your star. Pull out all the stops!
Pursuing a fantasy requires endeavors, enthusiasm, and diligent work. You are presently in the midway. Keep up your great work and keep on striving. Congrats!
Nothing can stop you now. You have a ticket to your fantasies work out as expected. Well done.
You worked your butt off, now shake your goods for some good times. Congratulations on your graduation.
Graduation Wishes Quotes For Niece
It’s protected to state that we as a whole know the stun when graduation day moves around and the truth sets in that your once young man is formally onto his next experience.
Let’s assume it with us, it appears like just yesterday. There truly is nothing superior to anything knowing you’ve made your folks glad and these messages will enable you to state only that. Salute him in a way he’ll always remember.
Inside we generally realize that you would develop as a victor. Good luck child.
Since you are a graduate, utilize your opportunity astutely. We are now so glad for you. Congrats.
You have specified me such a momentous number of inspirations to be delighted with the man you have turned into; the honored minute for me is telling others that I am your uncle and you are my niece.
I adore you now and until the end of time. Congrats on this uncommon accomplishment, graduate.
Congrats on your splendid achievement and accomplishment. Keep doing awesome more extraordinary achievements will continue coming to your direction. We are so glad for you.
Pursuing your fantasies isn’t a simple employment. It requires loads of energy, it requires heaps of duties and a genuine commitment, as you demonstrated it appropriate by being a graduate. Well done child.
Simply recall that the way toward adapting never closes. Upbeat Graduation, child.
We need to compliment you on this cheerful date. It’s the ideal opportunity for you to celebrate since today is the day you graduate. We cherish you.
Congratulations Niece Graduate
The same goes for your daughter, it was simply yesterday that she was imploring you not to abandon her at preschool and now she’s colloquialism farewell to one part and hi to another.
On her graduation day, praise her for the brilliant and gutsy lady that she has moved toward becoming. She’s buckled down and should know it.
Appropriate from when you were a little child and till today, you have just given us motivations to hold our heads up in pride. We are so fortunate to have you in our life. Congrats and good luck for an effective profession.
To our daughter on her graduation day. We are so pleased with you and your achievements. Make sure to follow what you need and to remain humble en route. Well done sweetheart.
Training is the key which opens all your potential. It takes mettle to grow up and progress toward becoming who you truly are. We know the degree you’ve worked so hard for will help you in flourishing in the field you’ve picked. We adore you so much, congrats.

You transformed an itty-bitty dear baby into a kind, brilliant and valiant lady. We are so pleased with you today and dependable. Well done!
We are so flabbergasted at how brilliant, mindful and magnificent you are ordinary we cannot hold up to see the spots you go! You can do anything. We cherish you.
Little girl… now and again we wish you wouldn’t have grown up so quick, yet then we assumed that would shield us from seeing you transform into the delightful young woman that you are today. Congrats on graduation.
This is the start of your life. You can do totally anything you set your brain too. Upbeat graduation sweetie.
Here’s to the way to new open doors that have quite recently opened for you, our little girl. Make the most of your graduation day, we are so glad for you.
Congratulations to my niece on her graduation quotes
Congrats on your accomplishment. Furthermore, here is wishing you the achievement and joy the world brings to the table.
We cherish you. Many congratulations to my dear niece.
Many congrats to my dear niece. I am a proud, your uncle.
We are proud of you and your accomplishments. We’re confident that you will continue with even more successes. Good luck in your next adventures. Congrats Grad!
We remember your first step, your first day of school, your first day of high school, and your first day at college. Take a moment to look back on your achievements. Realize all that you’ve accomplished and the footprints that you’ve laid. Each step has been a building block for your life. Congratulations on your graduation. We couldn’t be prouder.

Your hard work will pay off in many ways. Good things will come to those who wait until they graduate. You’ve come so far. You’ve worked so hard. Your graduation is a new and open door.
Finally, you are finished with high school/college. Put on your cap and gown. All your hard work has paid off. You’re graduating now. When your ceremony is through, let’s get stupid and celebrate!
Your hard work, dedication, and discipline have paid off. You’re finally graduating. It’s time to let loose and unwind before you join the ‘9 – 5.’ Congratulations!
Here’s to your impressive student career. Now that you’re graduating, you’re at the beginning of a brand new journey. So here’s to your success and to your brand new life.
You’re finally graduating, and we couldn’t be prouder. You no longer have to worry about grades. You no longer have to wait for a diploma. Now is the time to celebrate.
Graduation letter to my niece
I can’t believe you’re so grown up. It’s finally time for you to graduate. You have grown and learned so much. You have come a long way. Here’s to your amazing achievement. Let’s celebrate. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your graduation. Who would have thought that such a humongous brain would have looked so gorgeous under such a non-glamorous cap and gown! It’s no wonder they make you wear a huge hat!
I want to congratulate you on this happy date. It’s time for you to celebrate since today is the day you graduate.
I’m so proud that I know someone so smart. Congratulations on your hard work and dedication. Happy graduation!
I’m wishing you the best things in life that come to those willing to put in the time and energy that you have. Keep up the good work, and you’ll do great things.
Here’s to new opportunities open to you with the diploma you now hold as proof of diligence, knowledge, and skills.
Even more than proving that you are smart enough to earn a diploma, you have proven your character. And your character is much more important than any diploma or graduation. Best wishes to a man of character!
We know you will go far, and we look forward to seeing what your bright future has in store for you.
Now what? We’re wishing you the best in figuring out the answer to that question.
You have proven determination, brains, and willingness to learn. Hopefully, employers will see these accomplishments. Congrats on your graduation.
Congratulations high school graduation quotes
Keep working hard, and I am sure that your diploma is just the beginning of many future successes.
The hat, tassel, and robe suit you. I guess that’s why you are planning on even more schooling. Congratulations on your diploma and good luck in your future educational goals.
You are being recognized as a great student today, but you are so much more than that to me. You are a great _________, __________, and ____________.
You deserve to have the things that you have worked hard to attain. Best wishes, graduate!
Congratulations on all your hard work paying off. You have done it! Keep working hard, even though you are done with school… at least for now.

We see you doing big things now that you have graduated, mostly because you have already done so many big things.
I hope you continue to learn every day, even though it might feel like you are finally done with school. Your informal education will continue on.
If I could be any more proud of you, I wouldn’t be able to stand it. Your big brain impresses me.
Of all the people named ________ who are graduating today, you are the smartest one I know. I hope that fact makes you feel special.
It’s time to use that diploma as a ticket to a great future!
Quote about nieces and nephews
Now you’re ready for the easy life. Kick back and let the money start pouring in.
In the grand scheme of things, a diploma isn’t the most important thing in life. Education is much more important because it allows you to take advantage of the opportunity that a diploma has to offer.
Throw that cap to the sky because that’s the limit to how high you can go now.
Change is inevitable. It’s good to be educated like you are so you can adapt to anything that comes your way.
School is out forever! Learning is just beginning.
No one can call you dumb anymore. Bigger words will have to be used, such as ignoramus.
Your brain just became priceless!
It’s good to know someone so educated. I won’t need to use the internet when I have a question. I’ll just ask my know-it-all friend.
The cap and gown are used once, but your student loans last much longer.
Now that you did your time as a student, you get a free pass to an easy life. No one tells you about it until you graduate and are inducted into the secret club. Welcome!
Little niece quotes
I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while that you didn’t actually need to get your education. It was just a joke when I told you that school is important. You can laugh now.
Here’s a math problem for you: You, plus years of hard work, equal what? The answer is “a graduate.”
Since you have such a big brain, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have trouble keeping your balance. Maybe that’s why graduates need a funny cap.
Life just got a little easier and a little harder now that you graduated.
With great intelligence and opportunity comes great responsibility. Your responsibility just grew to the size of your brain.

Graduation is the brief moment between thinking that you know everything and finding out that you know nothing.
If a man wants an education, he can learn all he wants. If a man wants to prove himself, a diploma helps more than education. Unfortunately, diplomas are illusions, but education lasts a lifetime.
Graduation is one step on the road to graduating from a life well-lived, but it’s better to be driving on that road than walking.
Your diploma is your “Get out of poverty free” card, but you have to know how and when to use it.
Graduation is your excuse to wear that funny robe and square hat you’ve always wanted to wear. It’s amazing how much hard work and money people will spend just to get to wear that funny outfit.
Wishes for niece
Graduation is the end of the beginning of a lifetime of learning.
Graduation in your last requirement before being trusted with much more responsibility. Congratulations graduate! And here’s to more responsibility.
Unfortunately, a diploma doesn’t guarantee that a person’s character and common sense are substantial, but it might give him the chance to prove himself.
A man without a diploma is like a man without shoes. He might try to go somewhere, but it’s going to be a long hard journey.
Give a man a diploma and he’ll feed himself well. Give a man an education, and he’ll feed a village.
Education takes away time that could have been spent on productive things like watching TV.
An educated person has the opportunity to better understand the joys and sorrows of an imperfect world.
The brain is an organ that requires expensive laborious investment, but it’s the only organ that can pay you back.
Graduation is a requirement that graduates enforce upon others in order to retain their status as superior.
The higher the education, the higher the pay and also the higher the student loan payments.
My little niece quotes
It was a long journey, but you have made it through and graduated. Well done! Congratulations and best wishes for the future. May all your dreams come true.
We have always known that you could do whatever you set your mind to. Congratulations on your graduation. May you have a bright and prosperous future.
Congratulations on your graduation from your mother. I have watched you grow into a hard-working and responsible adult. I am so very proud of you.
Did you ever think that this day would come? It seems that only yesterday you were a Freshman and now you are graduating. Congratulations!
You are moving on to a new and exciting chapter in your life. I wish you all the best for the future that lies ahead. Congratulations on your graduation.

On this important day, I want you to know how very proud I am of you. You have done so well. Congratulations on your graduation.
You have reached a major milestone in your life. I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished. Congratulations and best wishes for the future.
Congratulations on your graduation. I know that this was one of your dreams. My wish is that all of your future dreams come true as well.
You are graduating today. We always knew that you could do it! Well done! Congratulations. Know that we will cheer you on no matter what you decide to do!
Congratulations on graduating. You probably got your brains from my side of the family. I know you will do well. I am very proud of you.
All the Quotation on the website falls under the fair use of copyright law. We provide quotes from different authors as it is. Quoting their words does not mean we agree or approve of their ideas.