
Engagement Wishes For Cousin (Funny Engagement wishes)

  • September 6, 2022
  • 16 min read
Engagement Wishes For Cousin (Funny Engagement wishes)

Engagement Wishes For Cousin

Engagement Wishes For Cousin

Read More : Engagement Wishes For Brother

Engagement Wishes

“Now at last they were beginning chapter one of the great stories no one on earth has ever read, which goes on forever; in which every chapter is better than the one before. Happy Engagement Dear!”

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen

“Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.” – John Keats

“If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother.” – Sami Levenson

“Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.” – Kahlil Gibran

“When two people become one flesh by way of marriage, it is not only their hearts that are united, but their minds and souls as well.” – Julie Donner Andersen

Engagement wishes

Read More : Congratulations to Sister on Engagement

Finding the one you love is truly a special thing,

It’s the kind of miracle that can make a heart sing.

With all of the excitement around the happy news,

I know that you have found the perfect one to choose!

My cousin, I could not be happier for you.

It’s always so apparent, the love between you two.

Together you’ll have an amazing married life,

Right from the moment you’re named “man and wife.”

Cousins are a special gift sent from above,

With all the fun of best friends and all the sibling love.

We’ve watched as one another grew and lived and thrived,

And now you’re all grown up and you’re taking the dive.

Congrats on your engagement, Cuz!

Congratulations on your engagement, my cousin.

Triumphantly your heart should celebrate this win!

I have seen you through all of the ups and downs and turns

Sat with you through heartbreaks that you didn’t justly earn.

But they say that everything happens for a reason,

And every dog has his day, each blossom has a season.

Every road that you went down, each turn that you made,

Has – to this amazing moment – your path clearly laid.

Engagement wishes quotes

Cousins get the very best of two perfect worlds.

They get all the closeness of a sibling tie.

But they also get the more fun side of a best friend,

And I’m so glad you’re my cuz, I could never lie.

When I think of all the memories we two have made,

All the laughter all the inside jokes that we have shared,

I can’t help but smile and know that for this marriage

Everything I’ve seen you through has made you so prepared!

Best Wishes On The Next Chapter Of Your Life!

Every story has a bunch of pages,

Chapters, verses, sections, and so much more.

Filled with advice, tips, and tricks from sages,

And twists and turns so the story won’t bore.

When your story got a little scary

I was there to make certain you got through.

And I know if you had to you’d carry

Me through my own, that I certainly knew.

Oh, how happy I was about the news,

The joy in your life being well deserved.

Just knowing you’d no longer sing the blues

Made this announcement pleasantly observed!

And now as you get married, my cousin,

I wish you great blessings by the dozen.

Moving on to a new chapter in life

Can be a scary, bitter sweet thing.

Although the happiness before you is ripe,

What you’re leaving behind can sting.

But memories are there now and always,

And the people you love never really leave.

So make sure you hold onto ALL your happiness,

Live, Laugh, Love, Learn, and Believe!

Congrats on your upcoming nuptials, cousin!

Cousin, I couldn’t be more happy

For you than I am right now,

Knowing that in a little while,

I’ll be watching you exchange your vows.


How many times did we play dress-up

When we were just little kids?

We’d pretend to be meeting our prince,

Or playing house with pans and lids.

Now we’re grown and living life,

And you’ve found your prince charming,

But you’re a true catch, cousin, it’s true,

So your dream coming true’s not alarming!

You can hold onto the memories of old,

And get ready to make many more new!

His heart is yours, not just borrowed,

And he’ll always be there if you’re blue.

Cousin, I know these things you’ve been told,

And that the wedding rhyme you knew!

After you’re married you’ll never feel sorrow,

Because I’ve seen you twos’ love shining true!

Cousin, I know you’re a stand-up guy,

And I really am proud of you.

I can’t wait to see the happiness

And love that’s between you two.

You’re committing to your princess,

But it’s so much more than this –

You’re committing to a life of joy,

Of lifelong happiness and bliss.

Congrats On Your Engagement!

When you called and said she said yes,

And that she was searching for the perfect dress,

I knew you’d be the happiest alive,

To have such a wonderful wife!

Congrats, Cousin!

Engagement Congratulations Quotes

Happy Engagement day. Engagement is the time when you have a clear view of how wonderful your coming life will be. May you get the best vision of a great and wonderful future waiting for you. Have an awesome life ahead with love and blessings.

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Hearty congratulations to both of you, on your engagement. May your life and times together, always be blessed with love and care.

As you both step into a new journey and a new world where you will not be alone, may you get the best of what life can offer. Keep loving each other. With many best wishes. God bless you both on your engagement.

Congratulations! I wish you a very sweet engagement, and pray to God to shower your love with blessings. May your hearts never cease to beat for each other.

Congratulations on your Engagement. May God bless you with his love and care, and sail you smooth through your life ahead with joy and smiles.

Happy Engagement. May you both reside in each other’s heart, making it an abode for all the blissful happiness. May your dreams be tied the way you both are. May all your actions take you towards each other. May God always bless you.

Congratulations on your engagement. Always remember the promises you made to each other. with many many best wishes and lots of love. God bless you both today. Have a wonderful life ahead.

Congratulations on your engagement. All angels around are ready with their blessings to sing on this lovely occasion of two souls getting together to lead a life of bliss and happiness. May you both have all that you plan for.

Congratulations on your engagement. A pleasant childhood will be left behind for a new future filled with love dipped in affection for both of you. Wishing you both a great and a blissful life ahead.

Engagement wishes funny

Congratulations on your engagement. Wherever you go, may this beautiful relationship keep on blossoming even further with every step. May every sun ray nourish it with trust, love and care. Have a blissful life ahead.

Congratulations on your engagement. Sometimes it is hard to believe that somewhere there is someone waiting for you but now you both know how inevitable it is and how beautifully fate is designed by a designer called almighty. May your relationship carry all the colors of love, luck, care, hope and happiness.

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Your love has reached new heights. May your sweet pair be always happy and in bliss of love. Congratulations on your engagement and all the luck for the times to come.

May your love never sees a dark day and may you always love each other with same zeal. Congratulations on your engagement and all the luck for the romantic life ahead.

Congratulations on your Engagement. The love you share, is divine and pure. May you always stay in love for the rest of your lives. I wish you loads of happiness and togetherness in future.

Congratulations on your engagement dear. It will neither be an exaggeration to say that together you are ‘made for each other’ nor will it be an exaggeration to believe that both of you as lucky to get a soul mate so honest and so nice. May you both make your life the best of journeys traveled.

Happy Engagement. Never let anything harm the innocence of your relationship as that is something that makes it so beautiful and lovely. Always be the first recipients of love and happiness in this world. With many many best wishes. Have a happy and prosperous life ahead.

Happy Engagement. By now, you guys must have received numerous wishes on this precious and auspicious day. A bit different yet most important I would like to pray for wisdom and strength for both of you to support and understand each other well. Have a very happy and wonderful life ahead.

Lucky are those who get their love and luckily you are among such lucky people. Cherish your luck and enjoy your life. Have a happy life ahead. God bless you both on your engagement.

Wishing you guys a very happy life ahead. With the commencing new life and new hues to it, let not any season, any day, any word and anything else affect the depth of your love and affection. Happy Engagement.

engagement wishes for cousin sister, engagement quotes

Warmest engagement wishes just for you two, my dear sister and my brother in law. May all your dreams come true!

Quotes For Cousins Bonding

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Happy Engagement. I wonder how incredible a thing like destiny can be. Born somewhere, grew up somewhere, still two different souls came together tied in a bond so serene so beautiful. May you both cherish this bond till eternity and enjoy each and every moment and everything this bond brings to you. with loads of love and best wishes.

Happy Engagement. Another day is here to ask you for another set of promises, bonds and relations and lots and lots of love for each other. So are you guys ready to embrace it all with a big smile and lots of love in your hearts? May you get all that you wish to make your relation a wonderful and a pleasant bond.

God bless you guys. Happy Engagement. Neither of you could have ever thought that life will some day take you on a path so beautiful yet unexpected. But life is the saga of things beyond our expectations. May this life carry many more stunning surprises for you both in future. With loads and loads of best wishes.

Happy engagement. A guy so carefree and a girl so prudent coming together by destiny on a path exclusively made for both of them. We all pray to God to adorn this path with blossoms all over, spreading aroma of love and togetherness and beauty of your adorable relationship. With loads of love and best wishes for a very happy life ahead.

Far beyond the life of strife and struggle is a bond so tranquil and trustworthy. You both are now entering the periphery of the same bond that would be with you till your last breath, will protect you and make your life a living heaven. But make sure to nourish it with lots of love, trust and care. Have a loving life ahead. May God bless you on your engagement day.

I can’t think of anyone else who compliments each other the way you both do. You are a match made in heaven! Congratulations!

This brand new adventure will create many happy memories for you and your son and his bride to be. So happy for all of you!

TO MY FIANCE, You mean so much to me. I want you to know how much I love you and can’t wait until we are together forever.

Wishing you world’s best and most beautiful wishes to make your life heavenly. Have a great life ahead. Congratulations!

Every phase of life comes with its own beauty and this phase, I am sure, is going to be one of the best phases of your life where you will meet a newer you with someone very close and very dear- your soul mate. May you guys get the best of everything that is in store for you both.

Engagement Wishes and Congratulation Messages

May God’s grace shower on both of you to make everything smooth and gorgeous for a couple so sweet and cute. Have a happy life ahead on a path decorated with flowers and may their aroma make your life more fragrant and enjoyable.

The charm of your presence and the glow of her face together make you the best couple that anyone can witness on earth. May this charm and this glow be ever increasing and ever multiplying. May you guys get all the happiness on earth in each others arms. God bless you both.

Two unknown souls today have come together or is it the destiny that took them jointly to prepare a new beautiful path decorated with flowers and stars. It is something that will soon change your lives and will take it to a destiny decided by God himself. May you have a wonderful life together filled with lots of love, happiness and glee. May God bless you both. Have a great life ahead.

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No wonder God has something great planned for everyone. Your bond and love is one such beautiful thing that God wanted to gift you to add a new golden chapter to your life. Cherish this new gift of God and protect it like your life. Wishing you both a very happy and wonderful life ahead.

Congratulations on getting engaged my brother! You deserve all the happiness and nothing but the best in this world.

Happy engagement to the best brother in the world! May your love for each other grow stronger each and every day.

Wishing you lots of wonderful times and togetherness today and the years to come. Happy engagement my brother!

You’ve always been an amazing brother to me, so today on your engagement I wish you nothing but the best in life with your fiancé. Happy engagement!

Congratulations on your engagement! I can’t wait to see your love blossom further and your family multiply.

May you always have each other no matter what happens. Congratulations on your engagement my brother, sharing in your special day brings me great joy.

Best Engagement Wishes

Congratulations my wonderful brother on this new exciting chapter of your life. Happy engagement!

Best wishes for a long, happy and healthy life together. Congratulations on getting engaged my brother!

May the love and happiness in your eyes be with you for the rest of your lives. Happy engagement brother!

Best wishes for an exciting, fun-filled future together. Congratulations, brother!

May you have a memorable and glorious engagement celebration my brother. Congratulations on finding the perfect girl.

May God shower you with everlasting love, blessings and happiness all your lives. Happy engagement my brother!

A happy engagement my wonderful brother! I wish you all the love, joy and happiness in the world that you both deserve.

Happy engagement my brother, I love you! May all your dreams and wishes come true.

Congratulations on your engagement bro! May you both have a bright and successful future ahead of you.

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I wish you both a wonderful life together. Happy engagement my brother!

Engagement Wishes And Quotes

Happy engagement my dear brother! My heart is filled with joy about this news. I can’t wait to see you both walk down the aisle.

I wish you a great day on your engagement and a successful happy married life ahead. Congratulations my brother!

My dear brother, I send you my warmest congratulations on your engagement. I am over the moon about this news and I am looking forward to sharing this celebration with you.

You are my best friend, my brother and my sidekick. It makes me so happy to see your eyes twinkle and filled with love. Happy engagement!

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May this new journey of your life bring you all the love and happiness in the world. Enjoy your day and happy engagement!

I am so happy for you my brother. Congratulations on getting engaged and finding true love.

Best wishes to my brother and sister and law. I am so happy that my brother has found such an amazing woman. May you both have a successful married life.

You two are destined for greatness. I wish you both all the best in your life ahead. Congratulations on getting engaged my brother and sister and law!

I’ve always wanted another sister and now I have one. Congratulations on your engagement my brother and I know you’ll make a great team.

All the best to my brother and sister in law to a wonderful future together! You two deserve only the best.

May you both have a beautiful, healthy, happy and long life together. Happy engagement my dear brother and sister and law!

Best Engagement Wishes and Quotes Forever

Congratulations my brother and his future wife! May your love for each other grow and deepen throughout the years.

Happy engagement my brother! You’ve found a very special girl and you two make an incredible pair. Enjoy the new adventure.

I heard that you two are finally engaged! Welcome to the family sister in law, you make an awesome addition to this crazy family.

May you have many happy and healthy years together. I am so thrilled that you finally got engaged. Congratulations my brother and sister and law!

Congratulations to the new couple, my brother and my sister in law! May you spend all your days loving each other no matter what and building a beautiful family and home.


  • Casey Mcclain

    Casey McClain: Unveiling the Storyteller Within In the realm of words, where every sentence is a brushstroke on the canvas of imagination, Casey McClain stands as an artist, a maestro of the written word. With a passion for storytelling that burns like a supernova, Casey weaves narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire. Let's delve into the life and journey of this remarkable blog post writer. The Journey Unfolds As Casey grew, so did the desire to share stories with the world. Armed with a keyboard and an unyielding determination, Casey embarked on a journey into the digital realm. From humble beginnings as a novice blogger, Casey honed the craft, learning the nuances of language, structure, and engagement. With each keystroke, Casey's voice grew stronger, resonating with readers across the vast expanse of the internet. From thought-provoking opinion pieces to whimsical anecdotes, Casey's versatility knew no bounds. Every blog post was a testament to the power of storytelling, a beacon of light illuminating the digital landscape.

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Casey Mcclain

Casey McClain: Unveiling the Storyteller Within In the realm of words, where every sentence is a brushstroke on the canvas of imagination, Casey McClain stands as an artist, a maestro of the written word. With a passion for storytelling that burns like a supernova, Casey weaves narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire. Let's delve into the life and journey of this remarkable blog post writer. The Journey Unfolds As Casey grew, so did the desire to share stories with the world. Armed with a keyboard and an unyielding determination, Casey embarked on a journey into the digital realm. From humble beginnings as a novice blogger, Casey honed the craft, learning the nuances of language, structure, and engagement. With each keystroke, Casey's voice grew stronger, resonating with readers across the vast expanse of the internet. From thought-provoking opinion pieces to whimsical anecdotes, Casey's versatility knew no bounds. Every blog post was a testament to the power of storytelling, a beacon of light illuminating the digital landscape.