Hidden Dangers – Basement Waterproofing Problems

Do you need basement waterproofing? A basement is a completely different structure than a typical house. For one thing, a basement isn’t just a room; it’s also the area where most of your living arrangements happen, particularly if you have a family. Having a waterproof basement is important for a variety of reasons including the durability of your home, the safety of your family, and the value of your property.
Mold and Mildew:
Wet basements often result in health problems like mold and mildew. It’s a real problem to have such conditions in your home, which means that you need Cincinnati basement waterproofing problems fixed immediately. Leaks in the basement also create health risks and structural damage to your home. The good news is that fixing the problems of basement leaks is relatively easy if you have a professional team by your side.
Leaks and Cracks:
In most cases, basement waterproofing problems can be fixed by simply repairing the existing foundation wall leaks. This may seem like a solution that doesn’t require much work on your part but it does require a lot of work. For starters, numerous cracks and openings need to be repaired before you can solve the actual problem. The good news is that most of these problems can be fixed without the expense of hiring contractors to fix basement waterproofing problems. You may be surprised at how simple repairs to basement leaks can be.
Waterproofing your basement is very important, especially if you live in an area that experiences regular flooding. Many basement waterproofing problems are caused by the occurrence of flooding. If your basement has sitting water or a slow drainage system, it can cause dampness and buildup of mold and mildew. This can make it incredibly difficult to avoid the flooding that causes basement waterproofing problems. Unfortunately, the longer you allow the water to sit and build up, the more costly and extensive the damage will be.

Leaky Foundation Wall:
One of the most common causes of basement waterproofing problems is a leaky foundation wall. If your basement is equipped with the drywall as is, the only thing that you need to do to fix the problem is to apply a layer of plywood or drywall insulation between the wall and the ceiling. If your foundation wall is not drywalled, you may need to repair the interior part of the wall and apply a layer of additional insulation. You will also need to hire basement waterproofing contractors to repair any leaking holes in the basement.
Fix the Problems:
Basement waterproofing problems that stem from leaks often include the use of an epoxy resin-based product to repair the leak. This epoxy resin is injected into the leaky areas to help seal up the leak. Unfortunately, the use of epoxy resins can cause basement waterproofing problems such as cracking and corrosion. If these cracks are not sealed properly and hydro-active grout injection causes severe discoloration, then the repair will not seal the leaky area correctly. To fix this type of problem, it is often necessary to replace the deteriorated concrete surface and restore the area to its original state.