
Mental Health Quotes

  • September 17, 2022
  • 30 min read
Mental Health Quotes

World mental health day retains its significance in various aspects. You may know that May is mental health awareness month. We celebrate world mental health day on October,10 through mental health quotes. The significance of memorial day sayings lies in the fact that Mental health quotes enable Individuals to recognize their own skills, cope with everyday challenges, work efficiently, and contribute positively to their communities.

This article will look into mental health quotes that can help empower individuals with mental health difficulties. The quotations seek to inspire those who are experiencing mental health issues and provide education surrounding mental health and the stigma around those who experience difficulties. Mental health quotes tell you that there’s always hope for everyone, no matter what the condition of your brain is. You always need to look up mental health quotes in order to gain power over your brain.

Mental Health Self-Care Quotes

Self-care is what a person needs to do in order to make his survival better. Sometimes, we are doing everything except loving ourselves. Mental health self-care quotes tell a person to be nice to one’s inner self. He needs to prioritize his needs over anyone else. He needs to figure out to satiate his hungry soul. Mental health quotation will definitely help you improve your self-image in your own eyes.

Self-care is a meaningful tool to aid you to live a more optimistic lifestyle. Our day-to-day lives are frequently empowered by negativity and bitter sentiments, and these inspiring mental health quotes can help guide you to a more healthy perspective of your life. It’s often hard to find solitude in today’s climate., mental health quotes 2022, i am unfortunately mentally ill

“It’s so important that we all speak up on mental health.”

~ Anne Marie, mental health awareness quotes, world schizophrenia day 2022

“Change the way we all talk to each other about our mental health.”

~ Kate Middleton, mental health awareness positive words, motivational slogan

“We have seen that two heads are better than one when dealing with a mental health problem.”

~ Kate Middleton, mental health awareness week 2022 quotes, world mental health month 2022

“Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.”

~ Adam Ant, take care of your mental health quotes, mental health sayings

“I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life.”

~ Jonathan Harnisch, may mental health awareness month, ptsd quotes

“Mental health is something that we all need to talk about, and we need to take the stigma away from it. So let’s raise the awareness. Let’s let everybody know it’s OK to have a mental illness and addiction problem.”

~ Demi Lovato, mental health sayings, may mental health awareness month

“I believe the biggest stigma right now, with mental health, is that a lot of men are not talking about it.”

~ Mauro Ranallo, mental health awareness quotes by psychologists, ptsd quotes

“There are so many cliches associated with mental health – such as the ‘fine line between lunacy and genius’ – which are, on the whole, a load of rubbish.”

~ Jo Brand, take care of your mental health quotes, mental health awareness week 2022 quotes

“One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.”

~ Linda Poindexter, may mental health awareness month, mental health

“The only journey is the journey within.”

~ Rainer Maria Rilke, inspirational mental health quotes, mental health quotes short

“The response from the beginning has been really, really wonderful and positive. People have always really responded to me talking about mental health.”

~ Lili Reinhart, mental health self care quotes, world schizophrenia day 2022

“I often say that the opposite of depression is not happiness but vitality.”

~ Andrew Solomon, mental health quotes short, positive mental health words

“I wanted to write a story about my struggles with depression and mental health. It’s an issue that needs to be talked about more.”

~ Ginger Zee, mental health self care quotes, positive mental health words

“Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.”

~ Dr. Laura Fogel Mersy, positive mental health words, mental health quotes by famous people

“The acknowledgement of having suffered evil is the greatest step forward in mental health.”

~ Stefan Molyneux, mental health awareness positive words, mental health quotes short

“Mental health isn’t all of me, but it’s a massive part of my journey and a massive part of my whole being.”

~ Adwoa Aboah, mental health awareness month 2022 quotes, bad mental health day quotes

“Nobody can save you but yourself, and you’re worth saving. It’s a war not easily won, but if anything is worth winning then this is it.”

~ Charles Bukowski, bad mental health day quotes, supporting mental health quotes

“Every negative belief weakens the partnership between mind and body.”

~ Deepak Chopra, may mental health awareness month quotes,

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.

~ John Green, bad mental health day quotes, meaningful mens mental health quotes

“My recovery from manic depression has been an evolution, not a sudden miracle.”

~ Patty Duke, mental health awareness month 2022 quotes, deep mobile addict quotes

“We need, ultimately, to be able to view mental health with the same clear-headedness we show when talking about physical health.”

~ Matt Haig, world mental health day may 2022, positive mental health words

“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.”

~ Vikram Patel, mental health awareness quotes by psychologists, mental health title

“Mental health affects every aspect of your life. It’s not just this neat little issue you can put into a box.”

~ Shannon Purser, mental health self care quotes, mental health sayings

“There is so much pain in the world, and most of these people keep theirs secret, rolling through agonizing lives in invisible wheelchairs, dressed in invisible bodycasts.”

~ Andrew Solomon, take care of your mental health quotes, mental health awareness week 2022 quotes

“I used to be embarrassed of my broken parts. Not anymore… Even in pieces, I’m worth having.”

~ Alfa, mental health, may mental health awareness month

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”

~ B.K.S. Iyengar, mental health sayings, world mental health month 2022

“We are not our trauma. We are not our brain chemistry. That’s part of who we are, but we’re so much more than that.”

~ Sam J. Miller, mental health awareness week 2022 quotes

“I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life.”

~ Jonathan Harnisch, mental health quotes by famous people, mental health quotes short

“I believe the biggest stigma right now, with mental health, is that a lot of men are not talking about it.

~ Mauro Ranallo, inspirational mental health quotes, mental health awareness positive words

“There are so many cliches associated with mental health – such as the ‘fine line between lunacy and genius’ – which are, on the whole, a load of rubbish.

~ Jo Brand, supporting mental health quotes, world mental health day may 2022

“One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.”

~ Linda Poindexter

Mental Health Day Quotes

World Mental health day is October,10. All of us are looking forward to celebrating it on Monday, October 2022. World mental health day quotes highlight the importance of mental health. Positive mental health quotes allow you to deal effectively with life’s daily stresses. Through mental health quotations, you will be able to fight the battles with mental illness. Through these quotes, it won’t be impossible to achieve a healthy mental state., mental health awareness quotes,

“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.”

~ Doug Larson, mental health awareness quotes 2022

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

~ Edward Stanley

“Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.”

~ Charles Simmons,

“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”

~ William Londen

“When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second your whole life could change.”

~ Anette Funicello

“If I’d known I was going to live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”

~ Leon Eldred, mental health quotes 2022

“Happiness is the highest form of health.”

~ Dalai Lama, counselor counseling quotes

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.”

~ Arabian proverb, quotations about health

“It Is Health That Is Real Wealth and Not Pieces of Gold and Silver.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi, mental health awareness positive words

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”

~ Buddha, mental health awareness quotes from celebrities

“True Silence Is the Rest of the Mind, and Is to the Spirit What Sleep Is to the Body, Nourishment and Refreshment.”

~ William Penn, mental health awareness quotes by psychologists

“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.”

~ Charles Caleb Colton

“Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.”

~ Maxime Lagace, mental health awareness month 2022

“A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought, they must be earned.”

~ Naval Ravikant

World Health Day 2022 Wishes and Messages, mental health awareness

Your body hears everything your mind says. Happy World Health Day!, world schizophrenia awareness day 2022

To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom and keep our mind strong and clear. Happy World Health Day!, mental health awareness month

We never value our health until we lose it. Don’t let that happen and take care of your wellness. Happy World Health Day to you!, meaningful mens mental health quotes

The world is a much better place to live when your health is in place. Wishing a very Happy World Health Day., inspirational mental health quotes

Be rich and be happy by attaining health. Happy World Health Day!, may mental health month quotes

Health is the only wealth that we all want to earn it. Happy World Health Day!, psychological deep quotes

There is freedom in frees you from illness. Happy World Health day!, mental health awareness month quotes 2022

You can look and feel good, if you have good health. Happy World Health day!, mental health awareness quotes 2022

Health is the greatest wealth. Happy World Health Day 2022!, mental health sayings

Belief cures more than drugs. Happy World Health Day!, may is mental health awareness month quotes

Eat healthy and stay healthy. Happy World Health Day!, friday mental health quotes

Eat healthy, exercise regularly, die gracefully. Happy World Health Day!, strong it's okay not to be okay quotes

Good health is the foundation on which the success of your life is built. You can never move ahead in life if you stay sick. Happy World Health Day!, mental health quotes by famous people

You can never buy good health, it is something which is priceless. Happy World Health Day!, inspirational quotes short

Nothing can be more important in your life than maintaining good health. Happy World Health Day!, positive mental health awareness month quotes

You will never get the confidence to achieve anything in life until and unless you maintain strong mental health. Happy World Health Day!, 10 October World Mental Health Day

Let us organize different kinds of events and awareness programs on World Health Day to educate the public about the benefits of staying healthy. Happy World Health Day!

Staying healthy should be the prime focus of your life. Happy World Health Day!, mental health quotes short

Let us learn to respect the value of good health on World Health Day.

On the occasion of World Health Day, let us inculcate all the healthy values and practices in life., world mental health day 2021 quotes

It is okay if you are hiding your feeling. We are here to help you. Support World Mental Health awareness day., world mental health day 2022 quotes

Do not give up. Stay stable and try hard to overcome. We help.

Fighting with your own mind every day is not the solution. Reach out for help.

Do not ashamed to share your sufferings which might inspire others!, mental health stigma quotes

If you want to build your personality, do not hide, open up!, supporting mental health quotes

Mental illness is not a failure. Support Mental health awareness day.

A person with mental health disorders needs love and support just like any other physical disordered patient.

Dear mental patient, you are so much precious than your illness., ptsd quotes

Give attention and love to those who suffer from depression. This would bring true meaning to Mental health awareness day., deep mobile addict quotes

One minute I’m okay and the other minute I’m not feeling good. The fight between the body and the mind!, quotes on health

If you are not okay, it is okay. You are precious than your mental health., i am unfortunately mentally ill

We cannot change the mindset of people towards depressed, but we can encourage the depressed to look better!, world mental health day may 2022

Never give up, try to overcome the depression and get progress over perfection.

People who show their strength are not strong, but people who try to win the battle inside them., two heads are better than one quotes

You are not alone in your journey, we are here for you. Supporting Mental Health Awareness Day.

World Health Day 2022 Slogans, short mental health quotes

“Love your body because it is your home and will stay with you till your last day.”

“When you lose fat, you are winning against illness. Burn the fat and forget about the rest.”, mental health slogans

“Give your time to exercise, or illness will take your time.”, life quotes 2022

“A happy body and mind are a sign of a healthy lifestyle.”, may mental health awareness month quotes

“Health is not only about losing weight but also gaining strength and stamina.”

“Do something today for yourself so that your body thanks you tomorrow.”, mental health slogans

“Go healthy and happy!”, quotation about mental health awareness

“An Apple a day does keep the doctor away.”, world mental health day 2021 quotes

“U can’t ‘get’ wealth if U R not in good health.”, mental health stigma quotes

“Health is Wealth – Keep this treasure Safe.”, supporting mental health quotes

“Health is a Boon – Care for it.”, "Health is precious – Protect it."

“Health is precious – Protect it.”, "Fitter, healthier, happier."

“Fitter, healthier, happier.”, "Life without health is like a hell!"

“Life without health is like a hell!”, "You are what you eat!" ,  mental health stigma quotes

“You are what you eat!”

“A mentally healthy and strong person is the one who has conquered the odds.”

“You are blessed to have this life and you must not waste it like that.”

“Health is not just physical but also mental.”

“Don’t ignore mental health, it is important.”

“Work for your mental health to make this life better.”

“Mental health is the biggest issue in our society.”

“We have ignored it enough and we must not do it more…. Pay attention to mental health.”

World Mental Health Day Quotes 2022

It will be nearly unfeasible to reach your full potential, work efficiently, make a meaningful contribution to your community, or cope with life’s stress without good mental health. World mental health day quotes 2022 advise us that we should make time to connect with others, think positively about ourselves, and get physically active, in addition to obtaining professional help if necessary. Also, make sure you get adequate sleep, are present in the moment, and are kind to others., supporting mental health quotes

“Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.”

~ Adam Ant, health quotes

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

~ Albus Dumbledore, quotes on health

“This feeling will pass. The fear is real but the danger is not.”

~ Cammie McGovern

“It impacts the way we feel, think and act, making it important in all areas of our lives.”, inspire positive soul sensations

“Mental health plays an important role in the way we deal with stress, how we relate to others, and the decisions we make in our daily lives.”

Quotes About Mental Health

Those who have struggled with alcoholism or drug addiction understand the importance of mental health in recovery. Quotes about mental health tell us that nearly 40% of persons addicted to alcohol have a co-existing mental health issue, whereas 45 percent of cocaine users have a mental health issue. Mental health is frequently misunderstood, particularly by people who do not suffer from it or have experienced it. We’ve gathered various mental health quotes so that you will learn how to efficiently pick good mental health over bad choices in life like addiction or cocaine., quotes on health

“Religion is capable of driving people to such dangerous folly that faith seems to me to qualify as a kind of mental illness.”

Richard Dawkins, ptsd quotes

“Romantic love is mental illness. But it’s a pleasurable one. It’s a drug. It distorts reality, and that’s the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw.”

~ Fran Lebowitz, inspire positive soul sensations

“We must bring the issue of mental illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat people, have centers where people can get the necessary help.”

~ John Lewis, supporting mental health quotes

“Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.”

~ Richard Carlson

“If the national mental illness of the United States is megalomania, that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia.”

~ Margaret Atwood

“The most evil and insidious thing about mental illness is that it isolates us and makes us feel so different that we think no one can possibly relate.”

~ Shannon Purser, i am unfortunately mentally ill

“A lot of people are living with mental illness around them. Either you love one or you are one.”

~ Mark Ruffalo, words and phrases about mental health

“Mental illness, of course, is not literally a ‘thing’ – or physical object – and hence it can ‘exist’ only in the same sort of way in which other theoretical concepts exist.”

~ Thomas Szasz, mental health month

“Over recent years, urbanisation, globalisation and the destruction of local cultures has led to a rise in the prevalence of mental illness in the developing world.”

~ Iain McGilchrist, i am unfortunately mentally ill

“A lot of people are ashamed to talk about mental illness. To me, it’s power to give people that.”

~ Ahmad Balshe

“I think people are interesting enough. People with mental illness, or just real people going through real circumstances in life.”

~ Charlie Heaton
  1. The vast majority of people who have mental illness problems never hurt anybody. Penn Jillette
  2. There are people who are profoundly mentally ill. But we now have a very weird perspective on mental illness and what it means. I do think that people are overmedicated. K. Flay
  3. Unfortunately, many in our homeless community suffer from severe mental illness. Kevin Faulconer
  4. There is no such thing as mental illness, hence also no such thing as psychotherapy. Thomas Szasz
  5. You know mental illness is one of the biggest problems in our world. Ed Reed
  6. Once you can accept that you have a mental illness, that is when you can work on it. Mark Cavendish
  7. Mental illness is real, and I got them. I don’t know if it’s the multiple concussions or the lifestyle choices. Scott Hall
  8. I don’t find anything upsetting or gross or degrading about fighting with a mental illness: Bipolar or Schizophrenia. Kangana Ranaut
  9. The biggest advice I can give loved ones who are supporting someone navigating a newly diagnosed mental illness is patience, patience, and patience. Madchen Amick
  10. I’m not really interested in promoting ‘Olive’ as a series about depression or mental illness. Frances McDormand
  11. Too many people will die needlessly if we go back to letting people buy junk insurance or insurance that doesn’t help people with diseases related to mental illness. Marti Noxon
  12. I have mental illness in my family. I have a lot of compassion for those people. Mark Ruffalo
  13. We’re becoming so much better at destigmatizing all sorts of things, including mental illness in ‘Silver Linings.’ Jacki Weaver

Mental Illness Quotes

Everyone’s mental wellness is crucial. So know that you’re not alone if you’re dealing with a mental health issue. You’ve come to the correct place if you’re looking for some motivational mental health quotes. Mental health issues and insights affect everyone, including celebrities, sports, politicians, and artists. Take inspiration from the following quotes to keep pushing forward on your own mental health journey.

“Mental health refers to the state of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.”

“Without positive mental health, it will be almost impossible to realize your full potential, work productively, make a meaningful contribution to your community, or handle the stress that comes with life.”

“It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.”

~ Steve Maraboli

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

~ Albus Dumbledore

“Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”

~ Joubert Botha
  1.  “It is not the the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”― Aisha Mirza
  2. “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close
  3. “It’s not just people who can’t find a job, or can’t fit in in society that struggle with depression sometimes.” — Jared Padalecki
  4. “It doesn’t have to take over your life, it doesn’t have to define you as a person, it’s just important that you ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness.” — Demi Lovato
  5. “What does your anxiety do? It does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but it empties today of its strength. It does not make you escape the evil; it makes you unfit to cope with it if it comes.” ― Raymond L. Cramer

Dark Mental Illness Quotes

Does it ever occur to you? The dark mental illness sensation that is occupying you. Suppose that, It’s midday, you’re surrounded by pals, and the sun is shining. However, something isn’t quite right. Dark mental illness quotes are telling you. You want to get out of here and go somewhere calm and dark. You are terrified because it is so dark and terrible. From the inside out, it’s destroying you. Take long breaths, sit alone somewhere and practice keeping yourself calm. Read dark mental illness quotes and let go of all the problems of your life., Depression is melancholy minus its charms.

“Depression is melancholy minus its charms.”

~ Susan Sontag, words and phrases about mental health

“The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy.”

~ Pete Wentz, world mental health day may 2022

“A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.”

~ Lilly Singh, mental health month

“My dark days made me stronger. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.”

~ Emery Lord

Inspirational Mental Health Quotes

Reading mental health awareness quotes can help you relax. After all, these words have the potential to inspire. They remind you that you are not insane or alone. in fact, you are not alone. So, if you’re seeking some motivation, keep reading. There are a few inspirational mental health quotes and mental health quotations to brighten your day, lift your spirits, and motivate you to keep going. Here are the top mental health quotes, mental health awareness quotes, and mental health motivational quotations. Read them and enjoy them to the fullest., mental health month

“I’ve run my whole life – for more than exercise, for mental health.”

~ Wendelin Van Draanen, two heads are better than one quotes

“Everybody knows there is no such thing as normal. There is no black-and-white definition of normal. Normal is subjective. There’s only a messy, inconsistent, silly, hopeful version of how we feel most at home in our lives.”

~ Tori Spelling
“The only journey is the journey within.” ,

“The only journey is the journey within.”

~ Rainer Maria Rilke, happy mental health awareness month

“You have to quit confusing a madness with a mission.”

~ Flannery O’Connor, schizophrenia awareness quotes

“Hope is a powerful thing. Some say it’s a different breed of magic altogether.”

~ Stephanie Garber, words and phrases about mental health

“And every person can benefit from talking to somebody. I’m the most anti-medication person, but some people need medicine, and there was a time where I needed some too.”

~ Miley Cyrus, world mental health day may 2022

“Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.”

~ Louise Hart, “To think too much is a disease.”

“To think too much is a disease.”

~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“If we start being honest about our pain, our anger, and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it.”

~ Russell Wilson, mental health awarness

“Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”

~ Noam Shpancer

“I didn’t talk to anyone about [postpartum depression]. I was very reluctant.. Four of my friends felt the same way I did, and everyone was too embarrassed to talk about it.”

~ Adele, two heads are better than one quotes

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.”

~ Abraham Lincoln
  1. “It was too heavy a burden to carry and I simply couldn’t do that anymore. I sought and received treatment, I put positive people around me and I got back to doing what I love – writing songs and making music.” – Mariah Carey
  2. “Don’t let your struggle become your identity.” – Unknown
  3. “Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need.”― Nathaniel Branden
  4. “..balancing time you spend with or without people is crucial for mental health.” ― Amy E. Spiegel
  5. “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” – Carl Jung
  6. “I’m actually taking medication that seems to be pretty good. It’s not making me feel too tired or sluggish or anything like that. Finding the proper balance is what is most important,” – Mariah Carey
  7. “I’m struggling just to get through the days. I think a lot of people are.” — Justin Bieber
  8. “About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of their lives. This can be defined as the general neurosis of our times.” – C.G. Jung
  9. “I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” — Amy March
  10. “The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.”― Juliette Lewis

Mental Health Awareness Quotes

In the way we deal with stress, mental health plays a vital role. A healthy mental state will help you take advantage of your everyday ability to succeed. World Mental Health Day is aimed at raising awareness of mental health conditions. Such positive mental health quotes are inspiring on mental health and mental illness. The inspirational pictures of these frequent quotes for mental health provide an emotional backdrop. Feel inspired to share quotes on your websites, blog, or social profile page., schizophrenia awareness quotes

“Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it’s critical to wellbeing.”

~ Diane Abbott, bad mental health day quotes

“Unfortunately, we force people to break the law in order to get any kind of mental health treatment.”

~ Pete Earley, PTSD quotes

“PTSD is a whole-body tragedy, an integral human event of enormous proportions with massive repercussions.”

~ Susan Pease Banitt, counselor counseling quotes

“The problem with having problems is that ‘someone’ always has it worse.”

~ Tiffany Madison, mental health awareness positive words

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.”

~ Fred Rogers, we need to talk quotes

“Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.”

~ Lemony Snicket
  1. “One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.”  Linda Poindexter
  2. I cannot stand the words “Get over it”. All of us are under such pressure to put our problems in the past tense. Slow down. Don’t allow other to hurry your healing. It is a process, one that may take years, occasionally, even a lifetime – and that’s OK.” Beau Taplin
  3. “She is beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again.” J.M. Storm
  4. “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes.” —Debihope
  5. “A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support.” –  Kate Middleton
  6. “Mental health is an important topic, and should be discussed more frequently. It’s not “attention seeking.”― Brien Blatt

Short Mental Health Quotes

It is such a terrible idea to think that we people don’t pay attention to mental health crises. The horrible reality of the situation is that mental illness is still stigmatized. Short mental health quotes tell us to help people suffering from mental health concerns. they may recognize that counseling and therapy are what they require, but they will strive to avoid obtaining care for fear of being ostracised. this attitude of society toward mental health patients should be negated as much as possible., quotations about health

“Out of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most.”

~ Mark Twain, mental health awareness quotes by psychologists

“Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.”

~ Mariska Hargitay, mental health awareness quotes from celebrities

“The best thing you could do is master the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire, you are the fire.”

~ Mama Indigo, mental health awarness quotes

“Often it’s the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self.”

~ Karen Salmansohn
  1. “Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.” –Unknown
  2. “It can be a good thing, too, to learn to sit in your own weirdness.”― Sarah Wilson
  3. “When anxiety is in balance, it helps us to think ahead to the future, make plans, and get organized.”― Jessica Moore
  4.  “Is stress inflicted on you — or created by you?”― Frank Sonnenberg
  5. “The humanity we all share is more important than the mental illnesses we may not.” ― Elyn R. Saks

Famous Quotes For Mental Health

Even though we are more encouraged than ever to talk about our mental health and seek assistance, mental diseases remain a taboo subject for people who are suffering from them and a misunderstood subject for others who haven’t. People are discouraged from seeking help due to stigma and a lack of understanding. Famous mental health quotes advise us that mental health, however, is equally vital to your physical wellness. Why wouldn’t you seek medical advice whenever you suspect something is wrong with your body? Read these famous mental health quotes to initiate the journey towards wellness., world mental health day

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

~ Dan Millman, October 10, World Mental Health Day

“Take your time healing, as long as you want. Nobody else knows what you’ve been through. How could they know how long it will take to heal you?”

~ Abertoli

“Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.”

~ Charles Bukowski, 10 October, World Mental Health day

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”

~ John Green, October 10 Mental Health Day Quotes

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

~ Kahlil Gibran, counselor counseling quotes

“Recovery is not one and done. It is a lifelong journey that takes place one day, one step at a time.”

~ Unknown
  1. “Self-care is how you take your power back.” — Lalah Delia
  2. “Let your story go. Allow yourself to be present with who you are right now.” – Russ Kyle
  3. “My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.” — Emery Lord
  4. “You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.” — Kody Keplinger
  5. “Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character.” — Rick Warren
  6. “Emotional pain is not something that should be hidden away and never spoken about. There is truth in your pain, there is growth in your pain, but only if it’s first brought out into the open.” — Steven Aitchison
  7. “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha

Mental Health Quotes By Famous People

According to a 2016 National Institute of Mental Health poll, 10.3 million Americans experience “major depression” each year. Mental health quotes by famous people suggest that depression and other mental disorders affect people from many walks of life. These people including celebrities have revealed their personal experiences to show that no one is unsusceptible to mental illness. From Serena Williams to Prince Harry, these celebrities have been candid about how they’ve felt and what has helped them get through it., mental health awareness positive words

“Some days I am more wolf than woman, and I am still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild.”

~ Nikita Gill, we need to talk quotes

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”

~ Henry David Thoreau, quotes about mental illness stigma

“Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that the better for us all.”

~ Erik Erikson, mental health awareness quotes by psychologists

“If you wish to improve your mental health, try changing your habits and your lifestyle. It’ll be of great help.”

Mental Health Quotes By Psychologists

When it comes to mental health, there are many different perspectives on how to address it. Whether a patient or not, there are many methods to assist someone with their mental health. These mental health quotations from some of history’s greatest psychologists will provide you with valuable insight into what they considered to be crucial while treating patients with mental diseases.

“Depression… is what your suffering actually yours?”

~ Susanna Mittermaier

“There is a point where courage becomes a symptom of mental illness.”

~ Wayne Gerard Trotman

“Through the vehicle of our emotions, our mind, body, and spirit are sending signals that something has to shift.”

~ Randy Taran

“It’s okay to not be okay – it means that your mind is trying to heal itself.”

~ Abhijit Naskar

The sky is not falling and life will return to normal.

~ Asa Don Brown
  1. The medicine is your mindset. SeKeithia Johnson
  2. Behind every trigger is a wound in our past. Jessica Moore
  3. We pay a lot of attention to our diet, but never to our mental health. Neha Pendse
  4. A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ. John Steinbeck
  5. A pill cannot make your unconscious, conscious. Serena Jade
  6. Good mental health requires a sense of humor about yourself. Phillip Barea
  7. Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. Carl Jung
  8. It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind. 
  9. Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you are going.
  10. People don’t feel comfortable getting mental health care, necessarily because they’re worried that their friends are going to think they’re unstable or they’re crazy.

Short Positive Mental Health Quotes

Mental illness affects the majority of individuals all over the world. People used to feel that mental health was not as important as physical health. However, global studies show that the majority of people today consider mental health to be just as vital as physical health. short positive mental health quotes will you the ways of taking care of your mental health and well-being., mental health awareness positive words

“She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her.”

~ Sylvester McNutt, mental health awareness quotes from celebrities

“True suffering is being trapped in your own head.”

~ Adam Snowflake, mental health awareness qoutes

“The quickest way to end up feeling anger all the time is to repress it and fight against it.”

~ Jessica Moore
  1.  “If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken.” — Selena Gomez
  2. “You are so brave and quiet, I forget you are suffering.” — Ernest Hemingway
  3. “Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.” — Ovid
  4. “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.  None but ourselves can free our minds”   – Bob Marley
  5. “It’s about the determination to keep walking forward.”  – Matt Haig

Strength Mental Health Quotes

Your mental health will have an impact on everything you do, regardless of your age. It’s just as important as your physical health. Cognitive capacity is essential, and you must acknowledge the emotional and psychological aspects of who you are in order to appreciate and enjoy life’s happiness and love. Despite the difficulties, remembering to retain a good and optimistic mindset, as many notable people do and claim through these mental health quotes, will keep you cheerful and optimistic., mental health is health quotes

“I sometimes feel like my head is a computer with too many windows open.”

~ Matt Haig, may mental health month

“Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.”

~ Dale Carnegie, mental health is health quotes

“You are stronger than you know. In the depths of despair you find your true strength within.”

~ Asad Meah, stay strong strength mental health quotes

“Do not just slay your demons; dissect them and find what they’ve been feeding on.”

~ Anonymous, October 10 World Mental Health Day

“You have survived everything you have been through, and you will survive this too.” 

~ Matt Haig, stay strong strength mental health quotes

“At our lowest we find the solid ground of our foundation. And we can build ourselves anew.” 

~ Matt Haig

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About Author

Casey Mcclain

Casey McClain: Unveiling the Storyteller Within In the realm of words, where every sentence is a brushstroke on the canvas of imagination, Casey McClain stands as an artist, a maestro of the written word. With a passion for storytelling that burns like a supernova, Casey weaves narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire. Let's delve into the life and journey of this remarkable blog post writer. The Journey Unfolds As Casey grew, so did the desire to share stories with the world. Armed with a keyboard and an unyielding determination, Casey embarked on a journey into the digital realm. From humble beginnings as a novice blogger, Casey honed the craft, learning the nuances of language, structure, and engagement. With each keystroke, Casey's voice grew stronger, resonating with readers across the vast expanse of the internet. From thought-provoking opinion pieces to whimsical anecdotes, Casey's versatility knew no bounds. Every blog post was a testament to the power of storytelling, a beacon of light illuminating the digital landscape.